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Ad hoc reviewer for scientific journals

● Acta Histochemica

● Aging

● Anatomical Record

● Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

● Alternatives to Laboratory Animals

● Anti-Cancer Drugs

● Applied In Vitro Toxicology

● Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

● Archives of Toxicology

● Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biomembranes

● Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular Basis of Disease

● Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular Cell Research

● Biofabrication

● Biomarkers

● BioMed Research International

● Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy

● Biotechnic and Histochemistry

● Biotechnology and Bioengineering

● BMC Cancer

● BMC Cell Biology

● Cardiovascular Therapeutics

● Cell Biology and Toxicology

● Cell Death and Differentiation

● Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters

● Cellular and Molecular Immunology

● Chemical Research in Toxicology

● Chemico-Biological Interactions

● Clinical Science

● Computational Toxicology

● Critical Reviews in Toxicology

● Current Opinion in Toxicology

● Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery

● Current Research in Toxicology

● Disease Markers

● Drug Discovery Today

● Drugs

● eLife

● Environmental Health Perspectives

● Environmental Science and Technology

● Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

● European Journal of Cell Biology

● European Journal of Histochemistry

● European Medical Journal

● Experimental Dermatology

● Experimental and Molecular Pathology

● FEBS Letters

● Food and Chemical Toxicology

● Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

● Frontiers in Chemistry

● Frontiers in Membrane Physiology and Membrane Biophysics

● Future Oncology

● Future Virology

● Genes

● Hepatology

● International Journal of Biomedical Science

● International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience

● International Journal of Molecular Sciences

In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Animal

● iScience

● Journal of Biological Chemistry

● Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

● Journal of Clinical Investigation

● Journal of Controlled Release

● Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research

● Journal of Hepatology

● Journal of Immunological Methods

● Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry

● Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods

● Journal of Physiology

● Life Sciences

● Liver International

● Methods in Molecular Biology

● Molecular Neurobiology

● Nature Reviews on Cancer

● Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation

● Neurotherapeutics

● NPJ Microgravity

● Oncogene

● Oncotarget

● Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology

● PLoS One

● Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry

● Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

● Science Advances

● Science Translational Medicine

● Scientific Reports

● Stem Cells Translational Medicine

● Toxicologic Pathology

● Toxicological Sciences

● Toxicology

● Toxicology In Vitro

● Toxicology Letters

● Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods

● Toxicology Research

● Toxins

● Tumori

● World Journal of Gastroenterology

● World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology

● World Journal of Hepatology



Reviewer of grant applications submitted to Belgian agencies

  • Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment of Belgium (2020)

  • Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique (2010, 2013 and 2022)

  • Institute for Innovation by Science and Technology (2007 and 2008)

  • Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2024)

  • Member of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Expert Panel on Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Reproduction, Urogenital System (2020-2022)


Reviewer of grant applications submitted to non-Belgian agencies

  • Alternatives Research and Development Foundation-USA (2019)

  • Association for International Cancer Research-United Kingdom (2010)

  • Auckland Medical Research Foundation-New Zealand (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023 and 2024)

  • Austrian Science Fund (2020)

  • Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of the Government of Canada-Canada (2018)

  • La Caixa Foundation-Spain (2021)

  • Chief Scientist Office-United Kingdom (2013-2014)

  • Croatian Science Foundation (2023)

  • Czech Science Foundation and the Czech Health Research Council -Czech Republic (2015-2018)

  • ETH Zurich Research Commission (2024)

  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) (2019)

  • FP7 European project RBUCE-UP (2012)

  • French National Research Agency-France (2016)

  • Innovative Systems Toxicology for Alternatives to Animal Testing, a joint initiative between Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) (2015-2023)

  • INSERM-France (2016)

  • Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology (2023)

  • Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (2020)

  • Medical Research Council-United Kingdom (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018)

  • NC3Rs-United Kingdom (2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021)

  • Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research-The Netherlands (2014)

  • Starting Grant program European Research Council (2017)

  • Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (2022)

  • Swiss 3R Competence Center-Switzerland (2019)

  • Swiss National Science Foundation (2023)

  • The British Skin Foundation-United Kingdom (2011)

  • University of Padova-Italy (2011)


 Member of doctoral thesis juries at Vrije Universiteit Brussel-Belgium

  • Schallier A.; “Discovery of glutamate transporters as novel drug targets for epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease” (2011); Promoters: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders and Dr. A. Massie; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. Y. Michotte.

  • Alaerts G.; “Chromatographic fingerprints of herbal extracts as tools for identification or quality control” (2012); Promoters: Prof. Dr. Y. Vander Heyden and Prof. Dr. J. Smeyers-Verbeke; Co-promoter: Dr. B. Dejaegher.

  • De Geyter D.; “The effects of systemic administration of the insulin-like growth factor-I in a rat model for ischemic stroke” (2012); Promoter: Prof. Dr. R. Kooijman; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. J. De Keyser.

  • Guimarães E.; “Investigation of mechanisms in hepatic stellate cell activation in vitro” (2012); Promoter: Prof. Dr. L. van Grunsven.

  • Loyens E.; “The role of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase and its substrates in mechanisms of epilepsy and antidepressant-like activity” (2012); Promoter: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders; Co-promoters: Prof. Dr. Y. Michotte and Prof. Dr. P. Vanderheyden.

  • Vermoesen K..; “Evaluation of the convulsant liability and antiepileptic properties of antidepressant” (2012); Promoter: Prof. Dr. R. Clinckers; Co-promoters: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders and Prof. Dr. A. Massie.

  • Van Haute L.; “Human embryonic stem cells as a paradigm for disease modelling in respiration” (2013); Promoter: Prof. Dr. K. Sermon; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. M. De Rycke.

  • Schroyen B.; “The role of leptin, insulin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 during hepatic stellate cell activation” (2014); Promoter: Prof. Dr. L. van Grunsven; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. M. Nyssen.

  • Varçin M.; “Oxidative stress, PINK1 and neuroprotection in experimental models of Parkinson’s disease” (2014); Promoter: Prof. Dr. Y. Michotte; Co-promoter: Dr. S. Sarre.

  • Baert Y.; “In vitro systems to restore male fertility following testicular tissue banking” (2016); Promoter: Prof. Dr. E. Goossens.

  • Bentea E.; “Targeting the cystine/glutamate antiporter for neuroprotection: insights from mouse models of Parkinson’s disease” (2016); Promoter: Prof. Dr. A. Massie; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders.

  • Buyl K.; “Characterization and reprogramming of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells towards the hepatic lineage” (2017); Promoters: Prof. Dr. J. De Kock, Prof. Dr. T. Vanhaecke and Prof. Dr. V. Rogiers.

  • Leclercq K.; “Development of preclinical models of treatment-resistant epilepsy for application in future antiepleptic drug discovery” (2017); Promoter: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders; Co-promoter: Dr. R. Kaminski.

  • Albertini G.; “Glial modulators of extracellular glutamate and their involvement in pathological behavior” (2018); Promoters: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders and Prof. Dr. A. Massie.

  • De Prins A.; “Development and biological evaluation of neuromedin U analogs as tools for functional elucidation: focus on stress-related disorders” (2018); Promotors: Prof. Dr. I. Smolders and Prof. Dr. S. Ballet; Co-promotors: Prof. Dr. A. Van Eeckhaut, Prof. Dr. D. De Bundel and Prof. Dr. V. Caveliers.

  • Laeremans T.; “The role of natural killer cells in functional cure strategies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection” (2023); Promotors: Prof. Dr. J. Aerts and Prof. Dr. S. Allard; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Vanham.

Member of doctoral thesis juries at other Belgian universities

  • Wynant I.; “Heterologous expression systems for the production of metabolites during early drug research” (2010); Promoter: Prof. Dr. L. Droogmans; Co-promoters: Prof. Dr. J.-P. Simon and Dr. H. Bohets; Institut de Recherchers Microbiologiques, Université Libre de Bruxelles-Belgium.

  • Bol M.; “Modulation of the vascular function by cannabinoids, calcitonin gene related peptide and connexin hemichannels” (2013); Promoter: Prof. Dr. L. Leybaert; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. B. Vanheel; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent-Belgium.

  • Oorts M.; “Understanding drug-induced cholestasis: mechanistic exploration of hepatic bile acid disposition” (2017); Promoter: Prof. Dr. P. Annaert; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. L. Richert; Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Belgium.

  • Iyyathurai J.; “The regulation of Cx43-hemichannel function by intramolecular interactions via the SH3-binding domain and by autophagy” (2017); Promoter: Prof. Dr. G. Bultynck; Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Belgium.

  • Ramadan R.; “The role of intercellular communication in radiation-induced atherosclerosis” (2019); Promoter: Prof. Dr. L. Leybaert and Dr. A. Aerts; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent-Belgium.

  • Ghosh S.; “Use of iPSC-derived hepatocyte-like cells for hepatotoxicity testing” (2023); Promotor: Prof. Dr. M. C. Verfaillie; Department of Development and Regeneration Stem Cell Biology and Embryology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Belgium; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. M. T. D. Cronin; Liverpool John Moores University-United Kingdom.

Member of doctoral thesis juries at non-Belgian universities

  • Jetten M.; “Toxicogenomics responses in the in vitro liver: a view on human interindividual variation” (2014); Promoter: Prof. Dr. J.C.S. Kleinjans; Department of Toxicogenomics, Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands.

  • Gago Fuentes R.; “Role of the C-terminal tail of Cx43 in adult articular chondrocytes” (2016); Promoter: Prof. Dr. M.D. Mayan Santos and Prof. Dr. F.J. Blanco Garcia; Instituto de Investigación Biomédica, Universidade da Coruña-Spain.

  • Hiemstra S.; “High throughput microscopy of mechanism-based reporters of drug-induced liver injury” (2016); Promoter: Prof. Dr. B. van de Water; Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research, Universiteit Leiden-The Netherlands.

  • Vatakuti S.; “Toxicogenomics of precision-cut liver slices for prediction of human liver toxicity: a prevalidation study” (2016); Promoters: Prof. Dr. G.M.M. Groothuis and Prof. Dr. P. Olinga; Department of Pharmacy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen-The Netherlands.

  • Jiang J.; “Mechanisms of drug induced liver injury: toxicogenomics studies in different in vitro models” (2017); Promoter: Prof. Dr. T. de Kok; Department of Toxicogenomics, Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands.

  • Hendriks D.; “Hepatic 3D spheroids as a model system for drug-induced liver injury and cytochrome P450 induction” (2018); Promoter: Prof. Dr. M. Ingelman-Sundberg; Co-promoters: Prof. Dr. I. Johansson and Prof. Dr. S. Mkrtchian; Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute-Sweden.

  • Wolters J.; “Toxicogenomics approaches in vitro for unraveling the mechanisms for hepatotoxicity” (2018); Promoter: Prof. Dr. J. Kleinjans; Department of Toxicogenomics, Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands.

  • Verheijen M.; “Transcriptomics close to my heart: advanced models and methods for toxicogenomics research  illustrated by anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity” (2019); Promoter: Prof. Dr. J. Kleinjans; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. F. Caiment; Department of Toxicogenomics, Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands.

  • O'Donovan S.D.; “Modelling the dynamics in time-series of metabolomic and transcriptomic data” (2020); Promoters: Prof. T. de Kok, Prof. R. Peeters, Prof. N. van Riel and Prof. I. Arts; Department of Toxicogenomics, Universiteit Maastricht-The Netherlands.

  • Kasteel E.E.J.; “Next generation risk assessment of chemicals: in vitro and in silico approaches to work towards enough precision to make a decision” (2021); Promoter: Prof. Dr. J. Legler; Co-promoters: Dr. N. Kramer and Dr. R. Westerink; Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Utrecht University-The Netherlands.

  • Wellens S.; “Differentiation of brain like endothelial cells from iPSC and application to BBB toxicity testing” (2021); Promoter: Prof. Dr.  M. Culot; Université d’Artois-France.

  • Kralj T.; “Multi-omics characterisation of drug-induced liver injury in human-derived hepatocyte models” (2021); Promoters: Prof. Dr. D. Creek and Prof. Dr. K. Brouwer; Monash University-Australia.

  • Cox C.; “Evaluating the role of mitochondrial genetics in adverse-drug reactions and the application of iPSC-derived hepatocytes for modelling drug-induced liver injury” (2023); Dr. P. Sharma, Dr. A. Chadwick and Prof. Dr. C. Goldring; University of Liverpool-United Kingdom.

  • Rasool N.; “Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Argyrolobium Roseum (Camb.) Jaub and Spach extracts against lead induced hepato-renal toxicity in rodents" (2023); Prof. Dr. M. Ovais Omer; University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences-Pakistan.

  • Lavriha P.; “Molecular mechanisms of connexin-32 gating” (2023); Prof. Dr. V. Korkhoven, Prof. Dr. M. Pilhofer and Prof. Dr. M. Peter; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Switzerland.

  • Wang Z.; “Intrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids for bile-duct tissue engineering and disease modeling” (2023); Promoters: Prof. Dr. R. Masereeuw and Dr. B. Spee; Faculty of Sciences, Utrecht University-The Netherlands.

  • de Bruijn V.M.P.; "New approach methodologies (NAMs) to understand and predict drug-induced effects on bile acid homeostasis and cholestasis" (2024); Promoters: Prof. Dr. I.M.C.M. Rietjens and Dr. H. Bouwmeester; Wageningen University-The Netherlands.

  • Martens M.; “Adverse outcome pathways coming to life: exploring new ways to support risk assessments” (2024); Promotors: Prof. Dr. C.T. Evelo and Dr. E.L. Willighagen; Maastricht University-The Netherlands.

  • Kuo C.; “Exploring the role of the inflammasome pathway in diabetic retinopathy” (2024); Promotors: Dr. L. Mugisho, Prof. Dr. I. Rupenthal and Prof. Dr. Murphy; University of Auckland-New Zealand.

  • Heaton B.; “Immunocompatibility assessment of bioretention of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles used in therapeutic applications: development of model towards longer term studies” (2024); Promotors: Prof. N. Liptrott and Prof. A. Owen; University of Liverpool-United Kingdom.

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